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Welcome to my website, here you will find more information about me, Kinesiology and Spinal Energetics.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Yours in healing,

Sue x​

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Spinal energetics, developed by chiropractor and Councillor Dr Sarah Jane, is a holistic practice that integrates eastern and western philosophies to engage with the spine, the nervous system and energetic field.

This modality recognises each individual as a complex interplay of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies. Through gentle yet impactful touch, movement and sound spinal energetics practitioners facilitate a natural flow of healing, helping individuals release stored tension and resistance by fostering deep self-awareness and balance.

Spinal energetics supports each person in achieving their inherent state of wellbeing. Influenced by a range of practises, including network spinal, Reiki and shamanism. This approach collaborates with the body’s innate wisdom to promote self healing.


"Spinal energetics is a modality that blends both eastern and western philosophies. And we focus, just like the name suggests on the spine itself, hence “spinal energetics.”

So why is the spine so important? The spine is our nervous system and our nervous system, just like a fingerprint, is unique to us, and it reflects our experiences that we have endured in this life and it creates context for the way that we respond in our life day to day. So we work with these areas of the spine that have bound tension patterns and when we say bound tension patterns, what we are actually speaking about are areas in the body that have stored bound tension or resistance or dis-ease as a result of something that has occurred in your life outside of your window of tolerance."

                                                                                   Dr Sarah Jane.

This modality recognises each individual as a complex interplay of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies. Through gentle, yet impactful, touch, movement and sound Spinal Energetics practitioners facilitate a natural flow of healing, helping individuals release stored tension and resistance by fostering deep self-awareness and balance.

Spinal energetics combines working with the bodies energy field and nervous system to release. deep seated

tension. In a session the client moves between Theta and Alpha brainwave states linked to relaxation, and sometimes enter a sympathetic state where the body activates to process stored stress. These shifts allow the nervous system to release physical and emotional tension,

A person’s current state of health, energy, emotions and spirituality is a direct result of their past experiences which is stored in their cells, DNA and energy fields. Just as ‘we are what we eat”, we are what we experience in our life. When a client attends a kinesiology session with issues requiring attention, Kinesiology will investigate a client’s past and identify the most impactful and stressful times that have caused blocks in the energy field, we then apply the most appropriate kinesiology pathway to release those blocks, thus restoring energy flow.

Kinesiology is a modality that began in the 1960’s with Dr George Goodheart. He took muscle monitoring and combined it with ancient Chinese medicine practices and methods of Chiropractice. Kinesiology uses energy to unlock stress “trapped” in the body that leads to disease. It uses acupressure points from acupuncture, the meridians of the body from Chinese medicine and the workings of the brain as researched by leading neuroscientists such as Dr Charles Krebs. 

In Kinesiology we use muscle monitoring as a stress monitor, to identify, communicate, connect and correct imbalance in the structural, chemical, mental and emotional energy systems of the body. Knowledge and correction of these imbalances reactivates the body’s natural inbuilt healing processes. Kinesiology recognises the body, mind and spirit and integrates oriental medicine principles and modern science.

Simply put, kinesiology finds the root cause of the issue and promotes self healing, rather than chasing the symptom. It is a logical, painless, non-invasive, staggered, accurate and effective system.

The changes that people experience are truly life changing.

It would be a privilege for me to hold space for you as you make these changes in your life.




What happens in a Kinesiology Session?


Kinesiology is a non-invasive modality and requires no preparation as such. During a session you will lie or sit comfortably, making the use of biofeedback techniques such as muscle monitoring easier. Then we will explore the programs and stories that we've stored in our bodies that are no longer serving us. Unmanageable trauma and stress in our lives triggers "survival mode". These survival mode dialogues are stored in our subconscious, our bodies then adapt to store these programs and stories, resulting in disease and unhealthy behaviours. Led by your body, I will use kinesiology techniques, to release this blocked energy, turning stored energy stories such as childhood trauma simply into memories. By restoring energy flow, this allows the body to intuitively self heal thus alleviating physical symptoms and relieving stress in you​r life.


Hi, I’m Sue,

I remember being about 12 years old having a conversation with my Grandad, he asked me “what do you want to do when you grow up?” I answered simply “I just want to help people”. 


I started my journey to "help people" with a degree in Medical Physics in England in 1990, and began a 25 year career in Cardiology. As much as I enjoyed the practical aspects of that career, connecting with and getting to know my patients I enjoyed more so. Establishing a connection and being able to hold space for them as they navigated their journey to heart health felt more valuable. I eventually found the health service uninspiring, I always felt there was something else out there, something I could use to really help people.

When my cardiology career ended due to chronic illness, I was introduced to kinesiology as a client. I had a session remotely with a practitioner in New Zealand. After just one session I felt empowered. After subsequent sessions I soon learnt what it felt like to have peace and balance in my life. I am now truly comfortable in my skin and I have learned more about my ‘authentic self', what I love and value, and what brings me joy. Kinesiology changed my life immeasurably. So, with the support of likeminded friends and some amazing healing practitioners, I began my journey to become a kinesiology practitioner.

I have completed diplomas in Kinesiology and Forensic Healing. Most recently I am pleased and proud to be able to bring Spinal Energetics to my practice having recently become a certified Spinal Energetics practitioner.


Spinal Energetics ​developed by chiropractor and Councillor Dr Sarah Jane, is a holistic practice

that integrates eastern and western philosophies to engage with the spine, the nervous system

and energetic field.

This modality recognises each individual as a complex interplay of physical, emotional,

mental and spiritual energies. Through gentle yet impactful touch, movement and sound

spinal energetics practitioners facilitate a natural flow of healing, helping individuals release

stored tension and resistance by fostering deep self-awareness and balance.

Spinal energetics supports each person in achieving their inherent state of wellbeing.

Influenced by a range of practises, including network spinal, Reiki and shamanism. This approach

collaborates with the body’s innate wisdom to promote self healing.

Forensic Healing is a system of healing pathways that are implemented just as a forensic investigator looks for clues. The system identifies a client’s past energy stresses, traumas, and energetic damage that is the source of their problems. “Profiling” finds negative patterns, belief systems, emotions and, the ages when stresses were embedded. Finding “clues” reveals information about the client’s blocks. The appropriate healing method is chosen from the 110+ unique, energy healing pathways available. The pathway laser targets energy to assist the client’s issues.

Kinesiology allows the body’s incredible ability to self heal, to do just that and during my learning I have discovered there is no limit to who, or what kinesiology can assist.

I truly value the difference Kinesiology has made in my life, and the life changing results I get for my clients continues to inspire me to empower others in the same way.


"It would be an honour and a privilege for me to hold space for you as you embark on your healing journey."

Please rest assured that since you are reading this testimonial, good fortune and well being are already working their way into your life.I was recommended to visit Sue by a friend and, despite having no specific physical or emotional issues to work through at the time, I decided to go. I felt that I was not doing badly in life or in terms of my health and personal development, but still I knew I could be doing so much better.Sue has helped me to identify and clear suppressed emotional blockages, potential physical ailments and damaging behavioural patterns. My energy levels have increased, my mental health has dramatically improved and the perspective I have on life has become increasingly optimistic!Sue is a remarkable healer who addresses the many subtle layers of your being. She is a warm and lovely person who I greatly look forward to spending time with.I know that Sue was bought to me at a critical time when I needed her influence and support in my life. I've since introduced many of my nearest and dearest to her. I recommend you heed the same synchronistic weavings that are occurring in your own life and allow Sue to work her magic on you too.​Ziah, Brisbane, Australia.

Ever since I injured my right knee, the pain had been persisting for seven long months, leaving me limping and struggling to climb stairs. The continuous discomfort had taken a toll on my focus and productivity, causing stress in my business endeavors. Feeling stuck in a mind loop and seeking a way to break free, I decided to book a session with Sue to address the emotional blocks I was facing.During our session, Sue skillfully delved into the depths of my subconscious, identifying the root cause of my struggles within minutes. In her safe and nurturing space, I felt deeply heard and understood, allowing me to open up and heal my inner child trauma and past life experiences. Through this transformative process, my mission and self-worth were rekindled, leading to a profound shift in my beliefs surrounding money and relationships.The results were truly astounding. As I rose from the healing table, I could walk without pain and the limp had vanished, filling me with immense relief and joy. Beyond the physical improvement, the experience brought an energetic shift within me. Waves of tingling sensations spread from my head to my toes, a truly magical feeling that left me feeling connected and in perfect harmony with life once again.Working with Sue was an eye-opening and empowering journey. Her gift for pinpointing the root cause of issues is remarkable, and her genuine care and compassion create a safe environment for profound healing. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone seeking transformation and a new reality to book a session with her. Thanks to Sue's guidance, my business is now thriving, and my relationships have deepened, filled with love and understanding.I feel fantastic and am so very grateful - thank you Sue ❤️​Anna, Brisbane, Australia.​

I met Sue 2 years ago and was instantly taken by her compassionate, sensitive and just outright beautiful soul. I have had some big emotional blockages that I knew were affecting my life in many negative ways and was needing some release from this! So along comes what I can only call divine intervention with Sue offering her Forensic Healing! Wow what an experience!! I can't thank you enough for creating such a safe, secure and loving space for me to move through those emotions! I feel fantastic and am so very grateful - thank you ❤​Kristie, QLD, Australia.

Sue is an intuitive, warm, encouraging and compassionate practitioner who instantly makes you feel at ease. I found the kinesiology process enlightening, relevant and sometimes funny as we sought to reach the core heart of my issue. I was able to walk away feeling something was attuned within me, that I could now let go of something that I had been holding onto and also get to understand on a deeper level more of myself and my issue than I did before entering the room. As an added bonus the process even relieved some ongoing lower back pain I had been experiencing, even though that was not what was being worked on at the time. Sue goes the extra mile in making you feel safe, relaxed, listened to and valued and builds a lovely rapport with you as a client.​Chere, QLD, Australia.

I've known Sue for over two years and in that time have come to greatly appreciate how truly amazing she is. She has a wicked sense of humour and is a compassionate, caring and gentle soul.She is very intuitive and has a gentle, calming nature. In her kinesiology practice she made me feel comfortable and at ease, allowing me to let go of what I no longer needed and feel lighter for the experience.Sue makes space for you be heard, without the pressure of the outside world to take hold. She also gives the most amazing hugs! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Sue to anyone looking for a kinesiologist to guide and support them on their journey to wellness.​Sonia, Brisbane, Australia.

I was struggling with anxiety and depression as a result of a traumatic marriage breakdown. Despite the fact that Sue is in Australia, during our Zoom sessions, she was able to tap into my energy field and discover exactly where my body was experiencing blocked energy. She was amazing! Easy to open up to and compassionate. Our connection was instant. Not only has she made a huge difference to my emotional wellbeing, but she has helped with a long standing shoulder issue. I can't recommend her highly enough.​Sarah, UK.

​Sue is a truly empathetic person, with a gentle, caring nature and a wonderful sense of humour. She has helped me immeasurably with many aspects of my emotional and spiritual life as well as assisting with many physical ailments. My life has changed for the better in so many positive ways since I started seeing her for kinesiology. My 14 year old son has also seen her and says she is “the most caring woman he has ever met”. Doesn't say much for his mother......​Louise, QLD, Australia.

A session with Sue is a worthy investment. I booked in for a session feeling run down and low in energy, Sue was able to accurately identify areas that needed addressing, cleared those areas effectively and I left feeling renewed, with a powerful sense of optimism. If you are considering a session I highly recommend it. Sue is supportive, gentle and capable, whilst maintaining an amazing sense of humour that makes you feel at ease. Thank you Sue!​Elizabeth, Brisbane, Australia.

I booked a session with Sue out of curiosity. I had been experiencing a number of health issues since I had a series of vaccinations approx. 18months ago, I couldn’t put my finger on anything specifically. I just felt “off” and my energy levels weren’t what they used to be.During my session Sue made me feel relaxed and I knew I was in good hands. She explained what she was doing along the way and was happy to answer any questions I had. She removed the negative energy in my body from the vaccinations I had had, seemingly that was affecting my kidney “energy” and perhaps function, also my overall “wellbeing” We went through the medications I was taking at the time. My body reacted in a negative way when Sue asked how my body felt about my taking certain tablets. I visited my GP subsequently and have stopped taking a couple I had been on for many years, seemingly I probably didn’t need them anyway. After a few weeks of my sessions with Sue, I feel that my energy has returned and my body feels like it’s now been "fine tuned". My blood test results have reflected this change too.I would strongly recommend a visit to Sue, there’s so much we take for granted with our health and the advice we’re given. Our bodies know exactly what to do to heal when given the right conditions! Thank you Sue.​Peter, QLD, Australia.

Book Now

I am currently available all day on Tuesday's and Thursday Mornings at

Habitual Health Collective,

608 Brunswick Street,

New Farm, 4005.

I also offer remote sessions via zoom if you are unable to get to me personally. Perhaps you are located elsewhere in Australia or maybe overseas. If that's the case please don't hesitate to reach out, a mutually convenient time to connect via zoom can be easily arranged.​

A FREE introductory 30 minute call to answer any questions you may have regarding Spinal Energetics or Kinesiology, and how it can assist with your current issues or concerns.

Reach out via email or SMS and let's arrange a mutually convenient time to chat.


Spinal energetics supports each person in achieving their inherent state of wellbeing.

Influenced by a range of practises, including network spinal, Reiki and shamanism. This approach

collaborates with the body’s innate wisdom to promote self healing.

In person session 1hour



Kinesiology is a gentle, holistic therapy that allows us to communicate with the subconscious, by-passing the conscious, to identify stress and blocked energy stored within the body. Using biofeedback techniques we can access information about what the body needs in order to self heal, thus restoring flow and returning to balance.

It would be a privilege for me to hold space for you as you embark on your healing journey.

Kinesiology session 1 1/2 hours


Payment with cash, by bank transfer or credit/debit card is preferred.

Finance options are available, please don't hesitate to reach out for further information

**NOTE a $3 processing fee will be added to credit / debit card transactions.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. Complete the form below and send it to me and I'll get back to you.

Alternatively why not book in a Discovery Call, this gives us 30 mins to connect via Zoom / telephone on a one to one so we can chat properly before you commit to a booking with me.

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